

Jumat, 23 Desember 2011


Silahkan anda mendaftar di link ini. Klik untuk mendaftar.
Kebanyankan PTC semuanya menggunakan akun ALERTPAY atau bahkan PAYPAL, atau yang lain akan tetapi saya mempunyai akun Liberty Reserve (LR) dan kebetulan masih kosong.Saya mencari PTC yang PENARIKAN UANG / PAY-OUT nya menggunakan LIBERTY RESERVE, sangat sulit untuk mendapatkannya dan biasanya yang menggunakan akun LR rata-rata itu, surfing, PTS (survey) atau bahkan investasi terlebih dahulu - bagaimana saya mau berinvestasi via LR kalau akun LR saya masih kosong, nah saya menemukan PTC buxoly ini.

Klik saja di LOGO di bawah ini.

Pay out minimum 2USD dan click-rate nya adalah 0.01USD per click. Dan maksimum untuk free member adalah 5 klik. Silahkan cari referral sebanyak-banyaknya untuk mempercepat income dollar anda.

Selasa, 20 Desember 2011


HYIP - High Yield Investement Programs
Sebenarnya bisnis ini bisnis online, menurut wikipedia klik saja sini.
Diartikan sebagai berikut :HYIP adalah jenis skema ponzi (permainan uang), yang merupakan penipuan (scam) investasi yang menjanjikan pengembalian investasi yang tinggi namun memungkinkan dengan tidak adanya kepastian/kelanjutan (bisnis tersebut) dan cara membayar investor sebelumnya dengan uang yang diinvestasikan oleh investor baru. Maka bila anda ingin mengikutinya haruslah yang baru-baru saja buka... jangan lebih dari 5 hari - bila yang diketahui HYIP itu adalah scam - seperti yang dimaksudkan oleh definisi wikipedia tersebut - dan ponzi akan merugikan investor yang baru bergabung.

Kalau melihat dari rating bunga/keuntunganya bisa anda lihat apakah HYIP ini merupakan scam atau tidak, bila yang berbunga dibawah kurang lebih 3% bisa perhari atau perminggu bahkan perbulan, maka ini bisa dikategorikan investasi yang bukan scam dan ponzi, akan tetapi bila yang sehari bisa sampai lebih besar dari 5% saya menyimpulkan bahwa ini adalah scam atau bahkan bisa tutup sewaktu-waktu ( satu atau dua hari...atau kalau tidak tutup adalah tidak mau membayar, kita tidak bisa menarik uang investasi kita), dan ini memang resiko menjalankan bisnis investasi yang ditengarai sebagai SCAM - penipuan - dan Ponzi - permainan uang - jadi bagi anda yang penasaran boleh saja mengikuti yang "gila" ini, tapi saran saya jangan lama-lama mengikutinya, paling lama 5 hari saja dan jangan terlalu besar dalam berinvestasi 1-5 dollar sudah cukup,... biasanya yang sehari bertambah 10%, bila investasi 5 USD maka 24jam kemudian anda akan mendapatkan 10% x 5USD = 0.5 USD, besar memang tetapi tidak ada yang bisa menggaransi uang anda bisa kembali atau ditarik dari situs HYIP tersebut. Tips kalau mau mengikuti masuklah ke forum HYIP, cari yang baru akan terbit atau baru online tidak lebih dari 3 hari, setelah itu anda ikuti, ingat paling lama 5 hari dan seterusnya, bila anda tahu ada BANKER - orang yang biasanya menjadi admin bisnis online - maka ikutlah dengan mereka, biasanya situs-situs yang mereka ikuti adalah bisa dipercaya, membayar, walaupun sekali lagi HYIP adalah bisnis beresiko tinggi bila anda PAS mendapat yang SCAM atau PONZI dengan ciri yang saya sebutkan diatas.

Perlu anda waspadai dari gelagat situs HYIP ini, sebab ada yang memang dari awal bukan lagi SCAM karena tutup/bangkrut tetapi memang murni mau "menipu" pebisnis/investor yang mendaftar di websitenya, atau yang kedua memang karena PONZI maka jelas akan tutup dan menjadi SCAM. Saya mengatakan tidak ada yang aman dalam bisnis ini, kecuali yang bukan PONZI dan SCAM, bisa anda googling yang mana yang aman dan yang mana yang bersiko tinggi. Tetapi bagi yang ingin "gila" silahkan ikuti yang beruntung besar akan tetapi beresiko tinggi. Sangat wajar bila berbahaya besar akan ada dibaliknya untung yang besar, juga kemungkinan yang besar, dan orang yang menempuh ini biasanya sedikit....
Terima kasih, bila ada yang pernah mengikuti punya tips atau mempunyai bisnisan HYIP yang wajar maka bisa berbagi dibagian komentar saya ini.
Terima kasih


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Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Yuk Bisnis PTC (Paid to Click)

Banyak Bisnis Online Yang Bermodal Gratis
Yang akan saya sampaikan adalah bisnis Paid To Click - nge klik iklan disebuah buxhost lalu anda diberi uang recehan dollar - jaman dulu sekali klik bisa satu sen dollar US (0.01 USD) tetapi sekarang paling sepersepuluh sen 0.001USD saja - memang terjadi pergeseran menjadi lebih kecil, akan tetapi belajar dari beberapa situs PTC yang masih eksis adalah yang demikian - dengan nilai klik yang kecil dan dengan payout/cashout atau penarikan minimum yang besar (min 10USD) bagi member standar dan kalau ingin Payoutnya kecil anda harus UPGRADE akun terlebih dahulu. Dan ini yang masuk akal, karena situs PTC mendapat untung untuk dibagikan kepada peserta/pengikut PTC yang bersangkutan. Jadi akan mengherankan bila ada PTC dengan klik bervalue besar dan dengan penarikan uang minimum kecil.... itu sebentar saja pasti akan gulung tikar. Tidak masuk akal toh mendapat satu atau dua dollar dalam waktu kurang dari 2 minggu kemudian ditarik, yang terjadi adalah sebaliknya akan mempercepat situs PTC yang bersangkuat tutup/scam atau malah tidak mau bayar - alasannya pending dan lain sebagainya - yang jelas anda memang harus berhati-hati dalam menjalankan bisnis ini, akan tetapi jangan takut mencoba, toh bisnis ini gratis daripada membuang waktu yang tidak berguna.

Cari Referral atau Sewa Referral
Referral adalah orang yang mendaftar PTC melalui kita - atau downline kalau dalam MLM - yang membantu kita dalam mempercepat jumlah uang yang masuk ke akun kita. Semakin banyak refrral semakin bagus - akan tetapi ada aturan mainnya pada masing-masing PTC terutama dalam hal JUMLAH maksimum referral yang diperbolehkan. Cara mencari referral adalah sudah disediakan TOOL atau SCRIPT nya yang bisa anda sebar atau anda iklankan didunia maya, atau kalau anda mempunyai teman yang mau menjadi referral anda pun sangat bagus, asal jangan menggunakan IP - bisa komputer atau kartu broadband yang sama - lebih enak mendaftar diinternet sendiri bukan orang lain atau warnet, sekalipun bisa hal itu dilakukan. Ada tips dari master saya yang mencari celah dengan mengikuti PTC yang baru buka, cari yang ada embel-embelnya dapat CASH BALANCE sebagai bonus sign-up, lalu cari apakah bonus tersebut bisa langsung digunakan untuk IKLAN disitus PTC tersebut ? Bila bila bisa iklankan saja dari semua PTC - biasanya BANNER - yang anda punya, biasanya beberapa dari iklan kita pastilah ada yang nyangkut menjadi referral kita. Yang kedua adalah dengan mengikuti forurm IKLAN gratis, walau tidak berefek besar akan tetapi patut dicoba untuk memperbesar peluang anda memperoleh referral. Dan yang selanjutnya adalah menyewa refrral kepada SITUS PTC yang kita ikuti, ketentuannya masing-masing situs berbeda-beda terutama dalam hal harga dan paketan, terus kelanjutannya apakah rented referral akan menjadi direct referral dan lain sebagainya baca saja T.O.S (terms of service) nya.


Ada yang terlupakan bila anda belum mempunyai akun online semacam tabungan untuk menarik dana yang anda punyai ketika sudah mengeklik PTC ini, maka anda bisa mendaftar ALERTPAY ATAU LIBERTY RESERVE, ATAU PAYPAL. Tetapi paling mudah adalah ALERTPAY. Silahkan klik link-link tadi.

1.Klik untuk Mendaftar CASH CAMEL BUX
4.Daftar INFINITYBUX atau sini
5.Daftar NEOBUX atau sini
Lima saja dulu semoga bisa membuat anda berbisnis dengan baik dan saya mendapat direct referral yang baik hati dan rajin nge klik.

Jumat, 09 September 2011


When your notebook/netbook system (windows) is damaged/corrupted, you can recover your system. There three ways, in recovering it. Make sure that you back-up data files first. Then recoverying your MSI notebook/netbook systems.

There are:
1. Hit hotkey F3, and the recovey file system in your (hidden) harddrive will appear and starting recover your system.
2. Use CD/DVD recovery (bundling from MSI),If recover NETBOOK (there is no CD/DVD ROM, use external DVD/CD ROM to do this job. Restart your netbook/notebook and Hit F3 button, booting from CD/DVD ROM, and starting to recover your system.
3. Use memory card (XD car usually), the same way with recovery DVD/CD in doing recovery your system.

NB:Point number one(1) if your recovery files system in your harddrive is damaged/corrupted you can use recovery DVD/CD.

Thanks a lot

Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Potential Business Link In My Blog

There are many kind of blogs/websites, blog for sharing, blog for placing ads, blog for announcing some events or the other just for light posting such as joking, fiction articles, and hobbies. My blog category may be the blog for placing ads, you can see there are many online-business links that can be read/click on it. I put that links without no purposes, so you can clik it, and register to the online-business you can grab. Simply my blog is almost full of online-business links.

This link is a huge server that you can upload files, and put them-up, and you share them (your files) to your friend/blog visitors, and if they are downloaded your files with an unique download, will give you $0.01, for each unique donwnload. And from referral program they will give you once time $0.05 for each referral that register with your link/under your referral ID/link.
So if you will join me for free please click LOGO Ziddu Below.
This a adsense website that will give you money, they put their links of ads in your blog/website. And share profit of advertising fee in your blog if there is advertiser use Adbrite link in your blog (adbrite will distribute the advertiser's ads with your blog as their place), the better your website the more money can you grab, with adbrite as you partner. If you interest in registring to Adbrite, you can click this LOGO. Join Free. Monetize your website with this worth Webiste, a.k.a

3. ADsenseCamp
The adsense website form Indonesia that will give you additional income. Their PPC (pay per click) as the tool for you. If some body clciked your adsenscamp ads (they put it on your blog) they will give you Rp.300 per click. It is a good news.
If you will follow me to join in AdsenseCamp. Please feel free to click the LOGO below and register.
Adsense Indonesia

Same as AdsenseCamp this is good income source for you. Click this Link and register.

JOIN Me Free with this adsense website. Click this link.

This is a benefit clicks,.....and you will slower acceleration to get the money.
Click LOGO and Link of Bux below....

Click Here To Join BUX.TO

PayPal as bank account in the cyberspace, so if you hadnot have it. Register with me please click the Logo Below.
Daftar di PayPal, lalu mulai terima pembayaran menggunakan kartu kredit secara instan.

Links of online business that I offered to you may be will be somethings useful. Thanks.

Rabu, 20 April 2011


Within five years, I felt the development of the internet in Indonesia is so fast and even very rapidly.
For those who became a pioneer of a adsense (google adsense, adbrite and other ads, usually become their partner as the publisher)
must have been successful in earning money from them (adsenses).
When first time I knew to the internet, in 2003 about 8 years ago, I had never heard of a business in cyberspace like this, and only 5 years this is seen very rapid development of internet business. I included very late in this case, but not too late to start a business that has a bright future.
It takes energy and ideas to develop this Internet business and can not be all that valuable mater were provided free of charge.
Everything needs work, this promising business is certainly to use our hardwork, creativity and vision, not but least work with smart .

I will discuss one of the adsense which is also pretty good for the occupied and developed. Not inferior to that already global GoogleAdsense earlier.
Adbrite adsense was not unusual. Seen from the development company from year to year, plus improved.
With so many partners (publishers and advertisers) who joined the Adbrite Adsense.
Benefits that are not owned by GoogleAdsense is that adbrite does not specify that the primary websites (I mean of course that is free too) that can be accepted by Adbrite. And receipt of a website has not become a guarantee to get a lot of income, depending on how well we manage the website.
The so-called great site, of course, is a qualified website in terms of content, in terms of uniqueness, in terms of purity of the ideas developed therein.
It depends on the creativity of each owner of the website. It would be a classy site with a given facility that many of Adbrite income or just be a website that received Adbrite without getting a significant income. Another advantage is in making the PPC (pay per clilck) or link ads, for example, adbrite make a determined bid by his partner (in this case the owner of the website), I think it becomes a flexible treatment of this Adbrite. What this means is if we still have just started learning to manage the website, by our own will surely be priced from PPC ads and links that are still comparable with our newbie, certainly not to use / fix the price high.
And this benefit advertisers with low prices and for partners Adbrite, who was just learning and then get additional income even if only slightly.

If you will sign-up to Adbrite you can see in this blog, just klik and it will link to, where you can sign-up/register.
If you are not yet a partner of Adbrite I invite you to register by using adbrite logo that is on my blog.
Prepare the valid data from you, your account paypal, alertpay or similar thereto.
Once you follow the instructions given in the completed form to adbrite.
Most important are the things that relate to:
1. Keywords that will be used on your website.
2. Adzone or location of the ads that will be installed at your website.
3. Pricing to be offered by adbrite, give my suggestions for the first time at a reasonable price. When you are just learning to manage the website give a cheap price, and later can you change your price standard when it became a popular website.
4. Your website was recommended that primary (paid website) but this is the flexibility of adbrite can provide business opportunities to the website is still new and free website (unpaid website).
5. Keep the faith from Adbrite if you are already a partner.

Developing sites that have been given by Adbrite ads is like building a house with the help of funding are clear, meaning that in future there will surely result.
I did include one of the partners Adbrite. So if you are interested please try your luck (which is certainly succeed if we work hard) by following the adsense program from AdBrite.

Improve our website visitors can be in many ways, one of them by following the Yahoo Pipes, please create an email from, go to Yahoo Pipes, after you have a yahoo account. Which is free backlinks.
As for how will I point out later.
Thank you.

Senin, 18 April 2011

How To Get Money From Advertisments On Your Website.

By dvertising because of you certainly want to make products that you offer to be popular and many consumers will demand from your product.
Put an ad of course at certainly place, must place a strategic and profitable. The consideration is the number of people who saw the segment and targeted by the ads you are hit. Forms of advertising today is very much and one of them is a lot of ads in the virtual world called adsense. For example, I can only mention a few, namely: Google Adsense, Adbrite, Adhitz, AdsenseCamp, Speedyads, Linkworth, Buxs,etc. If you will advertise a product, of course, you must pay, with the consequence of this is people (advertisers) do have to actually put place the right ad, not a place empty of visitors, put it on high traffic website/ popular website, so the money spent is not wasted.

You are a ad space in virtual world (internet), in other words you have the place to the advertisers, and the advertiser will put their ads on your ad spaces depending on the number of visitors (web traffic), the quality of your website (you can see your position in alexa rank and google page rank), popularity of your website and the relevance of the topic of your website with ads that are displayed. If your website is a computer and its accessories, of course, which will advertise the company is in computer, such as anti-virus product, harddisk factory, processor vendors and other computer products.
Well if you want to receive advertisements that many businesses make sure you have good intuition about what is being crowded trends discussed in cyberspace. You can see them on keywords, or search on Google. The most popular keyword is what you need.

Advertisers, of course, will advertise through the website relevant and good versions of them (a lot of market share that view / read the ad.) In their place we advertise them to pay us based on the agreements we make. At most they currently advertise through adsense sites that exist on our websites (such as adbrite, google adsense, adhitz and so on), and before placing adsense on our website, there is always a treaty of adsense sites (usually we propose to put ads via their site, we usually become their partner), if there are advertisements on our website through their adsense we get paid, with specific agreements. There is a PPC, there are PPV, text link ads, banner ads, Inlink ands etc.
The money will reach your hands through the payment of money on the internet site known for PAL.
Eg: PayPal, Alertpay, and so forth. From here your money will be disbursed into your bank account in the raelworld.
The traffic is like this : Advertisers – your adsense – your website – your paypal account – your bank account – your money in the real world.
Well the size of the money you earn, of course, depends on how well your website and how relevant the content of your website with existing market trends. For example at the time trend has been Ipad’ strend.Likely that the relevant website is a website that offers how to install Ipad tutorial, tutorials Ipad operate, even troubleshooting of Ipad. The advertisers who sell Ipad will choose a website that "talking about ipad".

If possible look for adsense for your website because it will benefit (bring in income). Submit a request to the sites like google adsense top adsense, adbrite, adhtz, speedyads. You can sign up through my other blog at, or this blog. There you can find there adbrite, AdsenseCamp, LinkWorth, bidvertiser, speedyads, and adhitz. Before you go there you must have a PayPal account, allowed to list on both my blog earlier. By having a good adsense on your website, the money continues to flow into your savings. And for it is not easy, because there are no jobs that bring money with ease. But with the focus and hard work everything will go fine.
Few of my hopefully help you.


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Selasa, 12 April 2011


Baru belajar membuat readmore maka saya membuat postingan kali ini hanya untuk mengecek saja, jadi anda bisa googling caranya, atau copy paste saya yang dari blog orang lain saya berikan juga untuk anda.
Dari blog inilah saya meng-copy-paste, dengan tujuan yang baik tentu saja dan tidak ada unsur tendensi apapun kecuali membantu yang kesulitan membuat baca selanjutnya atau readmore seperti saya.
Semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih